Your servants prayer

Dear Lord,

As I serve in any capacity you have placed me, please keep my heart posture in the right place. Serving is not always easy and a lot of times it can be mentally and physically exhausting. I do what I do in hopes to please you; to be a reflection of you, to be your hands and feet on this earth through acts of kindness and love. Although at times weary and frustrated from the journey of selflessly serving, I ask that you replenish my soul. I pray for strength where I am weak and clarity to see your hand over my life. I pray that the desires of my heart are fulfilled according to your good and perfect will. Allow the work I do to set my family and all that are tied and connected to me free. Purify my heart and mind, Holy Spirit lead and guide me. I am becoming more and more confident with ever breath. My faith is being made whole. My fears are subsiding, my doubts must go. I lay all my concerns, said and unsaid at your feet. Thank you in advance for being generous enough to answer my prayers. Thank you for sending relief and love to your son. I am grateful for it all. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

